Math Bowl is a state-sponsored math competition open to all students in grades four to six. Practices begin after school in February. The competition is held one evening in the end of April when our team competes against other schools from the diocese. In 2019 and 2021 we were State Champions! For more information, please contact Mrs. Becky Humm.
Math Olympiad is open to all middle school students and high ability fourth and fifth graders. It provides opportunities for those students who need additional challenges in mathematics and problem solving. We have students compete in the elementary division (grades 4-6) and the middle school division (grades 6-8). Students meet weekly during SRT time to practice skills. They compete in five monthly contests from November through March, and their scores earn them rankings both at the school level and national level. Each year, most of the students on our team place in the top 50% of all participants worldwide.For more information, please contact Mrs. Maria Janney or Mrs. Becky Humm.
SeaPerch is an opportunity for seventh and eighth grade students to build remote-controlled underwater robots. This includes assembling a kit that challenges the students' critical thinking and problem solving skills. In addition, students will be exposed to soldering and drilling. Students will then join other teams in competition maneuvering their robots through an underwater obstacle course. We began competing in 2012, and in 2013, the team placed first overall at state as well as nationals in Indianapolis. In 2014, a second team was added, and both qualified for nationals in Mississippi, with one earning second place at nationals. In 2015, both teams again qualified for nationals in Massachusetts after first and second place finishes at state. Our 2016 and 2017 each qualified for the Nationals, held at LSU and in Atlanta respectively. Most recently our 2019 team qualified for nationals at the University of Maryland. For more information, please contact Miss Megan Wade.
Speech Team is open to all sixth, seventh, and eighth graders. There are a wide variety of categories to appeal to all students including both dramatic and humorous categories as well as both memorized and script-reading categories. Practices begin the last week of August and continue through November. There are four speech meets with area Catholic schools held after school in October and November and a city-wide tournament in November. Please contact Mrs. Jenna Hochmeister.
Spell Bowl is open to all students in grades four, five and six. Fourth and fifth graders practice after school one day a week from August through November, and sixth graders practice once a week during SRT. Students are given a list of 750 words to practice that will be used for the competition. Please contact Mrs. Angie Wayne.
TEENPOWER is a student led group dedicated to leadership development, community service, preventing drug and alcohol use and promoting a healthy school environment. The group is open to students in seventh and eighth grade. To join the group, students must complete an application at the end of their sixth or seventh grade year. For more information, please contact Mr. Kyle Lewis.